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North East India's Local Information Service

Water Tank Cleaning & Disinfection Solution Service in Guwahati

Water Tank Cleaning Solution Service,Tank Solution,Guwahti, Assam


Benefits of Water Tank Solution Methods

  • Cleaning & Disinfection is done through trained technician.
  • Use of anti bacterial agent (H2O2)Hydrogen peroxide approved by FDA
  • Take much lesser time compared to manual process.
  • Cost effective as it saves time compared to manual process.

Features of Water Tank Solution Methods

  • Highly Scientific and Patented Six Steps Cleaning & Disinfection Process.
  • Mechanized Cleaning through different imported equipment.
  • Technicians are medically fit without any disease or having open cuts,wounds etc.
  • The Process is recognized , tested and approved by different Govt/Semi Govt/Corporation etc.
  • Tanks of any capacity can be cleaned within hours

Opening Time: 9AM to 6 PM every day