Soyadeli in Guwahati, Premium Soy Protein, Tofu, Soya Paneer
Soyadeli in Guwahati, Premium Soy Protein, Tofu, Soya Paneer available in your city |
Tofu and soymilk made from soya bean, is a rich source of vegetable protein contains low fat and low calorie. Soyfood contains no cholesterol and is also a excellent source of iron and calcium and fibre. Soyfood contains Omega-3 & has all 9 essential amino acids.
Cow milk contains lactose. Due to lactose intolerance more than 50% of Indian population is not able to digest diary milk properly & this problem increase with increasing age. Soymilk is lactose free is a perfect alternative to cow milk with more goodness and less fat than cow milk.
Heart Disease : Soyfood has zero cholesterol and very low fat. Soy isoflavones helps in reduction of bad cholesterol(LDL). The US Food & Drug Administration recommends "25 gms of soy protein a day as part of a diet low in saturated fat & cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease". 100 gms of tofu & 200 ml of soymilk provide approximately 15 & 8 gms of soy protein respectively.
Diabetes : Soyfoods have low glycemic index i.e. they have very little carbohydrates. This improves blood sugar control.
Cancer: Soyfood has isoflavones & anticarcinogens that helps to prevent various cancers, specially breast, colon & prostate cancers.
Osteoporosis : Animal protein increases the amount of calcium excreted through the urine. Soy protein causes calcium to be better utilized by the body, thus decreasing the risk of Osteoporosis.
Soyfood is nutritious because 200 ml of soymilk provides
Protein-1 Egg
Calcium- 1/2 glass of Milk
Vitamin- 1 Banana
Fibre- 1/2 glass of Dal
Instruction before use :
1. Unpack and wash the Tofu
2. Cut and soak in salted water for sometime
(Refrigerate unused Tofu soaked in water. Change the water daily)